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I picked this up back before there were any other chapters out.  Is the full version also playable on Mac (or if not, will it be at some point)?

responding now to say it is lol

Couple questions. First do saves continue over from Chapter to Chapter & if not will you ever release a version combining all 5 chapters?

Also like the look of the characters, will they ever appear in a future game. And finally do you think you might revisit As Above So Below, I really liked the demo for it.


Hey, thanks for your interest! I'll go through your questions in order:

1. As this is a kinetic novel (meaning the story does not branch), there's no tracking of saves between chapters. Each chapter after chapter 1 starts with an optional recap of everything that happened in previous chapters.

2. The Steam version is all 5 chapters at once, and we do intend to bring that version to Itch in the future! Right now we're keeping the individual chapters up so that someone who might have bought, say, chapters 1 through 3 can get 4 & 5 without needing to purchase the full-price collection.

3. We're very fond of the characters in this one too, and haven't ruled out revisiting them in future small one-off instances. We're also intending to feature a certain character from this story as the main character in our next story, which will have a much different genre and tone (not saying who yet!)

4. Really glad you enjoyed the AA/SB demo! We think about it often and do want to return to that world someday, but not until we're confident that we can do it justice.


I just started chapter 1 and it "clicked" with me. I cannot say more about it, because I have not finished it yet. However - I have one question.

You intend to bring all 5 chapters in one to itch. I have already bought all 5 chapters (yep - I gone for it blindly, because I loved what I seen so far, so why not?). Can people like me, who bought all five chapters, get that all-in-one version too?

I assume there are no differences, and it's more handy to have everything in one VN in stead of having 5 seperate VN's.

It's not a big one, but it would just be handy...

Anyway - I really loved what I read so far. I look forward to all possible future publications for sure...


Hi, thanks for your kind words! There isn't really any mechanism for doing what you describe over Itch (that is, seeing which people bought all 5 chapters individually and sending them a key for the full 5-chapter version when we release it) but if you send me a direct message on Twitter I can give you a key for the 5-chapter version on Steam (the only caveat there being that you'd have to replay chapter 1, since I don't believe your save file would be compatible)

Thanks a lot, but that's not really needed. On top of that - I do not have a Twitter account, so that won't work.

I was just wondering, because it would be a bit more convenient. As long as the content is the same I don't mind reading this VN in "stages".  I can always buy this VN on Steam again if I really need that. I don't mind giving some extra "credits" that way for the hard work that has been done. ;-).

Thats great to hear, thanks


Hi. I strongly suspect that your game was illegaly uploaded on  by someone called esanasa.

You might have a look into that and report it if that's the case.


Yeah, another person let us know about it last night - needless to say, that account is not in any way affiliated with the actual dev team. We've submitted a report to Itch and are waiting for a response. Thanks for looking out!

(2 edits) (+2)(-8)

I gave this a try and unfortunately I have to say I'm not really impressed. There's tons of logical plotholes with the characters. (How could Jacqueline have gone to a Technical College, yet be virtually computer and technology illiterate? "Computer Things"? Really?)
Way too much of the writing is bland and pointless, not serving the overall narrative or atmosphere. It's wasteful fluff.

The goal of this game is eroticism, but it doesn't really give off that aura or vibe, it's just mundane single mother life. That may appeal to some people, but that's not gonna find a huge amount of success in the Eroge world. The sex scenes are pretty well written however and the art is... decent, but not really provocative or very titillating, especially compared to the hundreds, thousands of other NSFW artists out there.
Any and all writing has to have a hook, something that immediately gets the audience interested in the characters, world, or situation and... there's none of that here. Why should I play this over any other of the dozens of better written, sexier, more visually appealing games out there?

I have a lot of experience with NSFW games and I just can't can't recommend this to my audience and followers.
Good luck with it going forward.


Okay. Thanks!


Technical colleges arent the same as tech universities like MIT or the École Centrale Paris. They are like community colleges. You would study stuff like car mechanics, hair dressing, or catering. These days you will find computer courses too, of course.


Alright! Was waiting for the steam release and I've not been disappointed.


I love this and I cant wait for the rest <3 

Every thing about it just hooked me right in


Wow, just wow <3
What a great game - the art and writing just blew me away! Absolutely stellar job. Totally worth the money. Thanks for your great work, keep it up! 

Do you have like a discord server? Or something like it where fans can talk about the game with with each other and yall?

Glad you liked it so much, thanks for the compliments! No Discord server right now - maybe in the future when the game's grown a bit, but for the moment we're just focused on getting more content out.


I really like the story idea. Realistic stories like this in VN format are rarity (have yet to see any actually).

I hope this project will succeed. Good Luck.


I was wondering, Can the player go full F/F or is the interaction with male partners not avoidable? 

And i would like to know if the choices made in Previous chapters will play a role in later chapters too or if they are "standalone" so to speak.

Art looks great btw!


Hey, thanks for your questions (and for the nice compliment!)

The narrative is linear, so your choices won't change major plot points - which includes the sex scenes, meaning that M/F interactions are not avoidable.

That said! A great deal of F/F content is planned, featuring Jacqueline, the characters you met in Chapter 1, and characters who have yet to be introduced - I realize Chapter 1 comes across pretty het, but Jacqueline exploring queer sex & romance is a big priority for later chapters, so I hope you'll stick around!

Ah thanks for the quick answer,
sure i´ll keep my eye on this even with the M/F in it.   It would have been just a little bonus for me anyway. 

Keep up the work. ^^