Thank You/Patreon Plug

First of all, thank you so much to everyone who played the demo over the past month and decided to follow, I'm so incredibly flattered! It means SO MUCH to know that someone liked the demo enough to want to keep an eye on it!

There's nothing too exciting to report on the development front, unless you're the sort of person who gets mega worked-up about poses where characters are looking at their flip-phones (and if you are, bless you, you're who I do it for.) A big part of my time was spent pounding out a huge list of art tasks for Pacha (15 pages long and it's still only about 60% complete) as well as wrangling things for other collaborators. 

The most exciting announcement is probably that Clark Powell will be doing AA/SB's music - Clark is the composer of the Homestuck Anthem and has also provided music for several Ava's Demon animatics (like this one), both things I'm a massive fan of,  so I'm BEYOND amped to have them working with us.

Finally, if you're interested at all in AA/SB's history and concepting process, I encourage you to check out the Patreon, where I've been doing weekly posts going through the earliest character concepts & adding commentary. All of the Patreon's posts are public-access, so you can check them out even if you don't feel like giving me money (you SHOULD feel like giving me money, but you don't HAVE to.)

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